Saturday, 15 January 2011

The Journey...

Once upon a time i had a friend ask me what i thought about a guy asking her to wait for him..not can we date long distance but can you literally wait for me so we can date one day when it becomes possible...My first instinct, with all my movie-watching experience, was to go "awwww... how romantic"..You know, like 'Pearl Harbour' except WITHOUT Ben Affleck returning home and finding his girl has moved on with his BFF..(Ouch mehhn)...But then the more i subjected it to reason the less i felt like i was watching a movie.. Yes reality and logic began to creep in on me and i finally began asking questions (to myself of course...after all i have come to realise that self is a good conversationalist)... 
So what makes people think that they can exercise so much control over someone else’s life.?? Actually to put it bluntly, what makes us so SELFISH that we ask something of someone that we ourselves have so little control  over ourselves. I mean take our mr man up there, what if where he went he fell for someone else, totally unexpected and  unintentional, what would happen to my friend? how do you tell someone you have asked to wait that you have fallen for someone else..i mean what if Rapunzel or Sleeping Beauty were kept waiting only to find some other chick was heir to the throne. Not such a happy ending anymore now is it? More like a TRAGEDY actually. And lets just say if those ladies had a friend that was anything like me those princes would be HUNTED down and made to do more than kiss a toad... they would have EATEN one. 
Well some would say we do it for love...but the more i think about it the less i'm convinced...that, to me, is not love but in fact selfishness at its best. Love is just the thing we want it to be but in actual fact it is not. Love is kind, love is patient, love is not boastful, love is enduring, love is a great many things BUT that.

I once read 'The Alchemist' (brilliant book) by Paulo Cohelo and ever since then I have been thoroughly convinced that despite common belief Love is NOT a destination. At most, it is a pit stop. But unfortunately for most of us if we're asked what percentage of our thoughts is dedicated to a romantic relationship of some sort we would be utterly ashamed to admit a figure we would not be caught dead saying out loud. Even worse, if asked what our most pressing present life's goal is the image that would come to mind would probably resemble something along the lines of a picture perfect image of someone in a tux and  another in an amazing white dress looking like a princess. Why?? who knows..

But If life is a journey and we're the drivers then God is SURELY our GPRS (Tom Tom), He is the one that gives us the directions to our destination that is our destiny. Usually unless you are some kind of prophet He gives them to us a little at a time. He doesn’t show us too much so as to get us overwhelmed ... Just a little at a time..Of course, as we go on our way on this journey that is life, we make some fuel stops, some toilet breaks, we even venture to pick people up and give them a lift. Companions, perhaps, to keep us awake when nights become cold and the silence in our solitude becomes noise. Companions to keep us entertained,amused and prevent us from sleeping for some of the way or until the destination depending on their own journey. So imagine, allowing that companion of yours to start pointing out the route and directions you should take. To start drawing up a new route all the while ignoring the one Tom Tom has mapped out for you. 'Shortcuts' to your destination, they say. I mean this companion is literally giving you directions to a destination you don’t even know yourself but all the games and merry songs you have been singing together have left you feeling all mooshy inside and feeling as though you can trust them enough to get you where you need to be. Well, that is just simply ABSURD isn't it. Imagine how many big red ‘wrong way’ messages Tom Tom will have to give you ...relentlessly telling you to go back onto the path you were on. Frantically and faithfully drawing up a new route to get you to where you should be. The route that was the best and shortest way to get to your perfect destination. The one that best suited your needs. 

Of course, by now you have ignored enough messages, as loyalty to your new found companion, to realise that you are well and truly lost. That you are completely off course and before you know it your life is headed in a completely different direction to the one that was originally destined for you. You have come the wrong way and you don't even know how to begin going back because quite simply it feels like you have come way too far out to be turning back. Soon, you are frustrated with yourself AND with your passenger who, given the present state of affairs, ceased to be a companion LONGGG AGO. Instead of the laughter, all that is left is a cold detachment and instead of the joyous singalong, the closest you get to amusement is the blame game. I mean, before, in the happy, mooshy 'everything is perfect' moment it was easy to forget about the destination, it was easy to make this person become a destination because of how great they made you feel. it was easy to make the sacrifice until it stopped being enough and you started wanting more for SELF. Something of your own, the true destination you were created for that only tom tom had directions to. By now you are tired and weary and all you want to do is open the door just a little bit and give the passenger a tiny nudge to the side.
 Worn out from the search and although you have no tolerance for this passenger of yours you feel you have no choice but to be contented with them being the destination. Your reliance on them has betrayed you, so you just keep going, empty and weary, you just keep going...NOWHERE!! But God hasn’t given up on the journey even though you have. Tom Tom is still giving you the message he always has 'wrong way' !! He is just waiting for you to actually ACT on it. Of course, now if you turn back it is going to take you longer than it should have to get to where you are supposed to be but He NEVER gives up on you. NEVER. It doesn't matter how far off course  you have gone He just simply will NOT give up. 

Well that in a nutshell is unfortunately the pattern of many of our lives including mine. We allow the ‘passengers' of our lives to take over our journey. To tell us where to go when it isn’t in their place to do so. They don’t know us the way our Father does. They didn’t create us with a purpose so basically all their ‘advice ' and requests, even though well intended, are not going to get us anywhere. Trust that tom tom will get you there.Trust that God will get you there even when the road is bumpy and when you are itching to take a shortcut. All the best things are worth waiting for so learn to be PATIENT. And all the best things in your life are already lined up to happen so stop forcing things and have a little FAITH.
 Allow a passengers into your life to SHARE in the moments, to INDULGE in the sightseeing with you, to provide SECOND opinion not the ONLY opinion. To just be there for you and love you enough to keep you on the path God has laid out for you instead of just trying to become the driver in your life. As for 'self' tell him/her to  stop being so need to make someone give up what we ourselves would not want to give up. i try to tell mine eerrrddaayyy.

We were born as individuals so we have individual needs, individual goals. There is nothing or nowhere that says those goals should take a sideline or that we have to pick between them and our relationships in life and make a sacrifice. With a little patience and faith we can have BOTH.. So shame on whoever said we can't. I don't know about you but MY God never died on a cross to give me anything short of a fulfilled life.

Monday, 3 January 2011

To Our Dearest 2010...And For Our 2011

If you spent your holiday in any way like I did you are most likely going through what I call a transition period. Christmas probably left you hating the scale or avoiding it all together in fear  that all it will display on that tiny little screen is the simple phrase... ‘get off and get running’...

Yes, watching T.V doesn’t help either..You know... with all those special K and Activea adverts REMINDING you of what you should “apparently” look like and all.. Yeah right!! pleeeassse did you SEE the deserts I ate.. Or better yet I was that size at 13 so do the maths GOSH!!!...give us a break people.!! Oh and then there was New Year... well lets just say bad choice of beverages because when the music stopped playing and instead the head started spinning, essays became impossible to finish. So now all that’s is left is you trying to find a way to face whatever reality you are soon to face when the Christmas decorations come down. The hoorrooorrrr...The festive celebrations were incredible, memorable even but there was one thing lacking in both for me. I just realised that I didn’t get to make a toast at all.. Yes I love to talk (as much as it pains me admit) so I feel somehow cheated. So here it goes my toast to 2010..late but well needed..

To 2010

Where do I start.. How do I begin..
Gosh it has been a long year.
I just want to say thank you 2010
Thank you for the new friends,
The old, the loyal.. The ones that I now know I can always count on
Thank you for The experiences..
The opportunities to learn,
How to be loved
And love anew,
Thank you for the breaths, the life, the opportunity to live
I’m thankful 2010 for the memories,
of smiles and kisses
And tears-rolling-down-my-face laughter
Thank you for the pleasures of family;
The meaning of unconditional,
 the support,
the hugs that counted and those that I forgot to count

Most of all thank you
Thank you 2010 for the never-ending struggles,
The unbearable pain; the cry-me-a-river tears
The stains to my pillow
Thank you so much
For the unendurable agony; the type that broke me
The health that abandoned, the heart that failed
Thank you for the fear that crippled,
For the slaps to the face, the bruises to the ego
The breaks to the heart
Thank you for the grief, the taking of loved ones
The feeling of utter uselessness;
the definition of hopeless
Thank you for the disappointment, the frustration
The scolding anger
Thank you most of all for this list of negatives that outweigh the good
For the feeling of nothingness, the shame of defeat
The taste of hopeless

Because now.. (listen carefully because this is the important part..)
Because now I can toast to a 2011
Others didn’t make it
Because now in spite of a long list of pain I can boast of survival

Of strength
Others didn’t fight it

I can laugh about odds because I defied them,
You can talk about a statistic but I overcame it
They can tell me of failure but I’m not it

I can toast to a BETTER 2011

walk with a clink in my step
When you’ve hit rock bottom there is nowhere else to go but up
2011 has a lot in store for me and I have a lot in store for it
I’m positive, optimistic even cause those are the people that make things happen
The wonderful things that will happen will happen because I allowed myself to grow
To change when I and they thought I couldn’t

So here I am
toasting dearest 2010

To goodbye
To you as a past

And to 2011 as a future
Just toasting..
To faith
Because I once lost it
To faith
To living 

because living without it isn’t living at all
To hope when I shouldn’t have it
To hope ...
Because you can’t take that
To hope..
Because you took everything else
To hope..

Thank you 2010 and hello 2011